This is a set of 3 digital painting assignments.
The main focus of these paintings are explored as the following:

A1. Environment construction.
A2. Character design.
A3. Composition.
A1: "Winter Warzone"
The Winter Warzone is a cold and desolate place, ruins of a cyber invasion. Blizzards howling indefinitely, burying the remains of what seems to be an old city scape while unknown colossal threats looming in the distance... 
A2: "K99"
K99 is an ex military, honorably discharged due to sever injuries to the head. As the sole survivor of a squad dispatched to neutralize an infamous gang, K99 often blames himself for the tragic deaths of his squad mates. Haunted by his past, K is now equipped with new cybernetics and stalks the urban night as a violent bounty hunter.
A3: "The Hunt"
-Inspired by the Witcher series-
A group of hunters set out on a foggy afternoon to hunt a beast, dark and vile, to put an end to their village's suffering. The beast is large in stature, tough in nature and malicious in heart. Will the hunters prevail?

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